Tuesday, March 30, 2010


::hye u ol...take a look at diz beautiful shawl...if u ol bminat, blh la drop comments or send email..kalu nk lg senang,g je kat facebook i n leave a message..

::harga bg stiap shawl adlh constant;that is RM12 per piece..

::kalo mau post,extra charges will b apply..plus RM3 je..(^_*)\/

::u ol survey2 la ek..
::santekk kn shawl2 neh..hehe
::if bminat, leh order kt facebook i..
::search diyana yazid,kay..
::gerenti puas hati..

Friday, March 26, 2010

::ReuniON o rEUniOn::

haish..fenin ple neh nk pk psl reunion ngn ex-classmate...dush2..
da la discuss kat fb je..nk jmpe pon SUSA..msing2 tgh stdy n sum of them keje..all i can do is gather diorg kat blog i neh.. 2 pown kalu diorg view..huhu~
ade kate nk kat pangkor..4 me,ok jgk coz quite familiar wif dat place..
but ade yg mao dkat2 je..OMG~
so,utk x memeningkn pale i yg mmg da penin tahap gaban ni..i think v should meet n dscuss tgther...
hopefully they can accept my idea..
i da survey siket2..n found this link..try check out n gve feedback k..

n this some of pics mse i g pangkor dlu..tp we all dlu tdo dlm khemah je..bt myb its helpful..
cHEck it oUt!

ni mse kat teluk segadas..besh2~

Purnama Beach Resort on Pangkor Island

Purnama Beach Resort on Pangkor Island

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alice In Wonderland mmg Wonderful..huhuhu

td br pas tgk cite alice in wonderland kat The Mines..mmg best sgt2..tp td yg x bestnye,ak trlmbt 15min..so part2 awl 2 xdpt catch up..adek sdre ak ckp n g tgk ag..huhuhu...pas ni rsenye tiap2 ari rbu nk g tgk wyg...nk jd kki wyg la pulok..heehe

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

betul ke ape aku buat selama ni??

emm... mase tgh jw test td,ak trfikir...betul ke decision ak mek kos skrg ni...sbb ak rse cam nyesal plak..ak xske bab2 bace2 ni..ak more 2 kire2..like maths, phy n chem..pale otak ni da xleh nk accept la...cmne nk buat nehh....adess...rse btl2 nyesal..nk tkr course cam da lmbt..ni da msuk 3taon blja cos yg ak xmnt..huhuhu sedihnye...now rse mcm xde smgt nk stdy..T_T

Monday, February 22, 2010

::shopping mode::

duet ptptn br jer msok..so skrg nk list budget utk sem ni.. but im sure overbudget pnye nnt..hhaha

1. shopping :: slagi ade duet..(xleh nk th nfsu uk shoping..huhu)
2. upgrade moto :: RM300
3. bli JM5 :: RM450
4. bli DN'Hans :: RM205
5. bg mkck :: RM150
scr roughly, da spend RM 1105.. 2 blom msok shopping...huhu bape bln jela blh bertahan agaknye...susa tol jd myself ni...but I LOVE IT!! ~wink wink~

Monday, January 18, 2010

1st post?? wut 2 say yah...

hye evry1...
diz is my 1st post...
so i x nk cite pnjg...
insyaallah aftr diz i akn do my best n make my blog 2 b my best3 fwen....
so ape2 i akn update into diz blogz..
c ya!!